手机版时间:2023-10-23 15:25:50 编辑:Dashh
初遇 |
你好!我是苏芙比,如你所见是一个优秀而博学的淑女!话说回来,刚刚那个农夫居然拥有一整群双角兽! |
Hi! I am Sotheby. As you can see, I am an excellent and knowledgeable lady! Huh, that farmer ... he actually owns a whole group of bicorns! |
箱中气候 |
有许多神秘动物只在雨中出没……啊一一刚刚飞过去的那个是什么?! |
There are many arcane animals that only come out in the rain ... Ah ... What has just flown away?! |
致未来 |
莫桑老师说,我做的营养药剂配方现在还没办法普及。没关系,我相信未来,大家一定能用得上的! |
Ms. Moissan told me the nutritional supplement formula I made couldn't be universal. But it's fine. I believe in the future, everyone will use it! |
孑立 |
咦,现在没有人在吗?那我就把我的日记大声读出来啦! |
Huh, is no one here now? Then I will read my diary out aloud! |
问候 |
欢迎来到提丰的电影派对~! |
Welcome to Typhon's Movie Party! |
朝晨 |
早上好,星锑在这里吗?我听说她最近很缺钱,不知道我能不能帮上忙。 |
Good morning. Is Regulus here? I heard she was hard up recently. I was wondering if I could help. |
信任-朝晨 |
大家都说“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”。可我刚刚在外面找了半天……也没有找到小鸟和虫子啊…… |
Everyone says "the early bird catches the worm." But I have just been looking outside for a long time ... And haven't found any birds or worms ... |
夜暮 |
像是野兽的咆哮,也像是冥府的马蹄……我明白了!一.定是梦魔在奔驰!……啊?引擎声?引擎是什么? |
Sounds like the roar of a wild beast, also like the spooky hoof of the underworld ... I got it! It must be the nightmare galloping away! ... Huh? The engine? What is that? |
信任-夜暮 |
我刚刚买下了一只珍贵而强壮的双角兽,听说它只在夜间出现……你说这只是一头牛吗?诶?我被骗了吗?说起来,牛跟牛排有什么关系吗? |
I just bought a rare and strong bicorn. I heard it only came out at night ... A bull? Eh? Am I tricked? And ... does bull have anything to do with beef? |
帽檐与发鬓 |
停下你的动作!大人的头是不可以随便摸的! |
Stop it! You can't just touch an adult's head! |
袖与手 |
妖灵的蛋有一指节长,不死鸟的喙有三指节长。而灵蟒的尾蜕有一整个手指长…… |
The ege of the wraith is one fingerbreath, the beak of the phoenix is three fingerbreaths. while the tail of the arcane python measures the length of a whole finger... |
衣着与身形 |
这个是提丰哦,它可是自动小岛的大英雄呢!每天都在和邪恶的朱庇特作战! |
This is Typhon, the hero of Auto Island! Fight against the evil Jupiter every day! |
嗜好 |
开派对的时候最开心了!虽然唱歌跳舞也很有趣。不过我最喜欢的还是各种点心,比如蛋糕和布丁! |
赞赏 |
莫桑女士是我的家庭教师,她教给了我很多“常识”! 没有她就没有现在优秀博学的淑女苏芙比! |
Ms. Moissan is my tutor. She taught me a lot of "common knowledge"! Without her, there would be no outstanding and knowledgeable lady Sotheby! |
亲昵 |
……你来啦!我的实验就差最后一步了! 快去找五百克液态黄金帮我沉淀一下! |
… You're here! My experiment is almost the last step. Go find 500 grams of liquid gold and help me settle it! |
闲谈Ⅰ |
泰晤士河上有好多自动小岛,不知道哪一座岛上会住着提丰呢? |
There are many Auto Islands on the Thames. Which will Typhon live on? |
闲谈Ⅱ |
饿肚子一定很难受吧? 大家都说我做的营养药剂是行不通的,到底要怎样修改才好呢? |
It must not feel well to be hungry, right? Everyone says the nutritional supplement I made won't work. How can I adjust it? |
独白 |
外面的世界和我想象中的不太一样呢! 神秘动物比我想象中的还要多…… 人也比我想象中的更加有趣! |
The outside world is different from what I imagined. There are more arcane animals than I thought … Humans are also more interesting! |
入队 |
结束后一起开派对吧! |
Let's have a party then! |
战前 |
哇,有好多没见过的东西……! |
Wow, so many things that I haven't seen … ! |
择选咒语Ⅰ |
这是什么? |
What's this? |
择选咒语Ⅱ |
那又是什么? |
What's that? |
择选高阶咒语 |
这是我最好的配方啦! |
This is my best formula! |
择选至终的仪式 |
我知道这个是什么! |
I know what this is! |
释放神秘术Ⅰ |
这次用了三倍的材料哦! |
Thunder talisman, scientific version! |
释放神秘术Ⅰ |
雷电招来! |
I tripled the ingredients this time! |
释放神秘术Ⅱ |
提丰不会放弃同伴,苏芙比也是哦! |
Typhon won't give up his friends, neither will Sotheby! |
释放神秘术Ⅱ |
素材店老板说很有效的——请相信我! |
The ingredient store owner said it was very effective … please believe me! |
召唤至终的仪式 |
这是为你们精心准备的礼物——! |
This is the gift well prepared for you! |
受敌Ⅰ |
保镖!保镖在哪里?! |
Bodyguards! Where are the bodyguards?! |
受敌Ⅱ |
哇呜—— |
Wua … |
战斗胜利 |
早就说过了苏芙比我可不需要保镖! |
I've already said that Sotheby doesn't need a bodyguard! |
洞悉 |
这个……需要我来报销吗? |
The expenses … Shall I reimburse them all? |
洞悉之底 |
外面的世界比我想象的……要大得多呢…… |
The outside world is much bigger … than I thought … |
重返未来1999角色大全 | 重返未来1999角色立绘合集 |
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下一篇: 心动小镇沙雕制作方法